Episode 48: Sam Trosow and Lisa Macklem on Copyright and Fair Dealing During a Pandemic

October 28, 2021 00:33:20
Episode 48: Sam Trosow and Lisa Macklem on Copyright and Fair Dealing During a Pandemic
Law Bytes
Episode 48: Sam Trosow and Lisa Macklem on Copyright and Fair Dealing During a Pandemic

Oct 28 2021 | 00:33:20


Show Notes

Fair dealing – the Canadian version of fair use – has been recognized by the Supreme Court of Canada as a users’ right. The need for a large and liberal interpretation to the right is a cornerstone of Canadian copyright law. With millions of Canadian students at home due to the Coronavirus pandemic, the importance of fair dealing has grown as teachers seek to provide access to teaching materials and ensure they remain compliant with the law. Sam Trosow and Lisa Macklem of Western University recently published a detailed analysis on fair dealing and emergency remote teaching in Canada. They joined me on the podcast to discuss fair dealing, its application during the current pandemic, and recent developments involving reading aloud programs as well as the Federal Court of Appeal decision in York University v. Access Copyright.

The podcast can be downloaded here and is embedded below. Subscribe to the podcast via Apple Podcast, Google Play, Spotify or the RSS feed. Updates on the podcast on Twitter at @Lawbytespod.

Show Notes:

Trosow and Macklem, Fair Dealing and Emergency Remote Teaching in Canada


CITYNews, Students, Teachers Navigate E-Learning as Program Launches Amid Coronavirus Pandemic

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