Law Bytes

In recent years the intersection between law, technology, and policy has exploded as digital policy has become a mainstream concern in Canada and around the world. This podcast explores digital policies in conversations with people ...more

Latest Episodes


October 28, 2021 00:45:22
Episode 73: The Broadcasting Act Blunder - Why Minister Guilbeault is Wrong

Episode 73: The Broadcasting Act Blunder - Why Minister Guilbeault is Wrong

Canada is currently considering major reforms to how it regulates Internet services. Canadian Heritage Minister Steven Guilbeault’s Bill C-10 would dramatically reshape the Broadcasting...



October 28, 2021 00:33:45
Episode 72: Emily Laidlaw on the Good, the Bad, and the Missed Opportunities Behind Canada's Privacy Reform

Episode 72: Emily Laidlaw on the Good, the Bad, and the Missed Opportunities Behind Canada's Privacy Reform

Canada’s new privacy bill is only a couple of weeks old but it is already generating debate in the House of Commons and careful...



October 28, 2021 00:23:37
Episode 71: Minister Navdeep Bains on Canada's New Privacy Bill

Episode 71: Minister Navdeep Bains on Canada's New Privacy Bill

It has taken many years, but Canada finally appears ready to engage in an overhaul of its outdated private sector privacy law. Earlier this...



October 28, 2021 00:39:00
Episode 70: "It's Massive Free Distribution" - Village Media's Jeff Elgie on Why His Company Opposes Lobbying Efforts to Establish a Licence for Linking to News Stories

Episode 70: "It's Massive Free Distribution" - Village Media's Jeff Elgie on Why His Company Opposes Lobbying Efforts to Establish a Licence for Linking to News Stories

News Media Canada, the lobby group representing the major newspaper publishers in Canada recently launched a new campaign that calls for the creation of...



October 28, 2021 00:41:18
Episode 69: Bram Abramson on the Government's Plan to Regulate Internet Streaming Services

Episode 69: Bram Abramson on the Government's Plan to Regulate Internet Streaming Services

Last week, Canadian Heritage Minister Steven Guilbeault introduced Bill C-10, legislation that would significantly reform Canada’s Broadcasting Act. A foundational part of what he...



October 28, 2021 00:30:38
Episode 68: Mike Pal on What the Canadian Experience Teaches About the Intersection Between Election Law and the Internet

Episode 68: Mike Pal on What the Canadian Experience Teaches About the Intersection Between Election Law and the Internet

The world will be focused on the United States this week as the U.S. Presidential election is slated to take place on Tuesday, November...
