Latest Episodes

Episode 91: "This is No Way to Regulate" - Former CRTC Chair Konrad von Finckenstein Speaks Out on the CRTC and Bill C-10
Communications issues have been in the political spotlight in recent weeks with the controversial CRTC decision to reverse a pricing decision on wholesale broadband...

Episode 92: A Conversation with Senator Paula Simons on Copyright, the Internet and the Future of Media in Canada
Earlier this year, Senator Claude Carignan introduced Bill S-225, a bill that purports to address concerns about the viability of the Canadian media sector...

Episode 93: Lex Gill on the RCMP, Clearview AI and Canada's History of Surveillance
Earlier this month, the Privacy Commissioner of Canada released a scathing report on the RCMP’s use of facial recognition technology, particularly its work with...

Episode 94: Former CRTC Vice Chair Peter Menzies Reflects on the Battle over Bill C-10
The Liberal government strategy to push through Bill C-10 bore fruit last week as the controversial Broadcasting Act reform bill, received House of Commons...

Episode 95: Mark Phillips on the Federal Court of Canada's Right to be Forgotten Ruling
Several years ago, the Privacy Commissioner of Canada filed a reference with the federal court in a case that was billed as settling the...

Episode 96: More Harm Than Good - My Appearance Before the Senate Transport Committee on a Copyright Bill to Support Media Organizations
Bill S-225, Senator Claude Carignan’s copyright bill, would create a new compensation scheme for media organizations by establishing a new collective rights system for...