Law Bytes

In recent years the intersection between law, technology, and policy has exploded as digital policy has become a mainstream concern in Canada and around the world. This podcast explores digital policies in conversations with people ...more

Latest Episodes


October 22, 2021 00:29:13
Episode Cover

Episode 19: Canada's Quiet Success Story: Irene Berkowitz on the Canadian YouTube Creative Sector

Canadian Heritage Minister Pablo Rodriguez recently appeared to pre-empt the government’s broadcast and telecommunications legislative review panel in his response to the panel’s interim...



October 21, 2021 00:35:44
Episode Cover

Episode 18: Open to Open Banking?: My Appearance Before the Senate Committee on Banking, Trade and Commerce

Open banking, which is designed to allow customers to easily share data held by their banks with third parties, has been attracting considerable attention...



October 21, 2021 00:36:40
Episode Cover

The LawBytes Podcast, Episode 17: What To Do About Huawei? - Christopher Parsons Unpacks One of Canada's Most Challenging Policy Issues

What to do about Huawei? The Chinese telecom giant has emerged as one of Canada’s most challenging policy issues, raising concerns involving competition, communications,...



October 21, 2021 00:38:08
Episode Cover

Episode 16: The Copyright Review Report: Carys Craig on the Roadmap for the Future of Canadian Copyright Law

In December 2017, the Canadian government launched its much-anticipated and much-lobbied review of Canadian copyright law, tasking the Standing Committee on Industry, Science and...



October 21, 2021 00:35:45
Episode Cover

Episode 15: Cows, Cars, and Copyright: A Conversation With Myra Tawfik on the IP Concerns With Implementing Canada-US-Mexico Trade Deal

The new NAFTA – dubbed the USMCA or CUSMA depending on where you live – took a significant step forward recently with the introduction...



October 21, 2021 00:40:19
Episode Cover

Episode 14: Big Data, Privacy and Democracy: A Conversation With Nathaniel Erskine-Smith on the International Grand Committee

The debate over big data, privacy and its implications for democracy came to Ottawa last week as the International Grand Committee brought together the...
