Law Bytes

In recent years the intersection between law, technology, and policy has exploded as digital policy has become a mainstream concern in Canada and around the world. This podcast explores digital policies in conversations with people ...more

Latest Episodes


July 18, 2022 00:47:42
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Episode 135: Co-Chair Emily Laidlaw on the Work of the Government's Expert Advisory Group on Online Safety

Canadian Heritage Minister Pablo Rodriguez created an Expert Advisory Group on Online Safety earlier this year to help craft a potential legislative and policy...


July 11, 2022 00:32:21
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Episode 134: Monica Auer on CRTC Governance, Content Regulation and the Radio-Canada Decision

Over the past couple of weeks, there has been mounting outrage over a CRTC decision involving Radio-Canada and a broadcast segment from 2020 in...



July 04, 2022 00:33:35
Episode Cover

Episode 133: Michael Nesbitt on How the Senate Pushed Back Against a Government Bill on Searching Digital Devices at the Border

It isn’t every day that a Senate committee examines legislation and makes notable changes against the wishes of the government. But that’s what happened...


June 27, 2022 00:45:02
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Episode 132: Ryan Black on the Government's Latest Attempt at Privacy Law Reform

Parliament is now on break for the summer, but just prior to heading out of Ottawa, the government introduced Bill C-27. The privacy reform...



June 20, 2022 00:26:25
Episode Cover

Episode 131: The Bill C-11 Clause-by-Clause Review - What “An Affront to Democracy” Sounds Like

Last week, the Standing Committee on Canadian Heritage rushed through the clause-by-clause review of Bill C-11 in a manner that should not be forgotten...



June 13, 2022 00:27:09
Episode Cover

Episode 130: In Their Own Words - What the Canadian Heritage Committee Heard About Bill C-11 Harms

The debate over Bill C-11 – the Online Streaming Act – seems likely to come to an end this week, at least in the...
