Law Bytes

In recent years the intersection between law, technology, and policy has exploded as digital policy has become a mainstream concern in Canada and around the world. This podcast explores digital policies in conversations with people ...more

Latest Episodes


March 28, 2022 00:26:26
Episode Cover

Episode 123: Darcy Michael on Why Bill C-11 Hurts Canada's Digital First Creators

Since the introduction of Bill C-11, Canadian Heritage Minister Pablo Rodriguez has insisted that he heard the concerns about regulating user generated content and...



March 21, 2022 00:46:05
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Episode 122: Monica Song on Banning Russia Today From the Canadian Television System

The Russian invasion of Ukraine has sparked international condemnation and a race to levy sanctions and undo longstanding connections to the country. Responses have...



March 14, 2022 00:40:30
Episode Cover

Episode 121: The Law Is No Longer Fit For Purpose - My Appearance Before the ETHI Committee on Canadian Privacy and Mobility Data

The House of Commons Standing Committee on Access to Information, Privacy and Ethics spent much of February conducting a study on the collection and...



March 07, 2022 00:43:30
Episode Cover

Episode 120: Vass Bednar, Ana Qarri and Robin Shaban on Fixing Canada's Competition Law Problem

The proposed Rogers – Shaw merger has placed Canada’s competition law and policy back into the spotlight as consumers frustrated by high wireless prices...


February 28, 2022
Episode Cover

Episode 119: Canada's Zombie Policy Proposal - Christopher Parsons on the Never-Ending Debate Over Lawful Access

The political and policy battles over lawful access have been going on for decades, cutting across multiple governments both Liberal and Conservative. The so-called...



February 21, 2022 00:36:40
Episode Cover

Episode 118: Leah West on the Canadian Government's Invocation of the Emergencies Act

After several weeks of protests, occupation, and border crossing blocking, the Canadian government took the unprecedented step last week of invoking the Emergencies Act....
